1. Paper Gold is
a. ATM b. Draft c. Special Drawing Rights d. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SDR (Special drawing rights) is issued by IMF
2. History of Kerala - History of Kerala written in the from of notes
3.Kerala Development Report illustrated edition
4.Current Affairs 2014 for Civil Services PCS and All Other Examination
a. India b. Britain c. France d. America
3.Trichology is the study of
a. bone b. brain c.stuffing animals d. hair
4. ------is the economic process through which human wants are satisfied.
a. production b. Distribution c. Industry d. Consumption
5. Gandhi Irwin pact was signed on
a. 1932 b.1931 c. 1933 d. 1930
6. First Indian war of Independence began at
a. Meerat b. Jhansi c. Delhi d. Satara
7.Forward Policy was initiated by
a. Lord Mayo b. Lorth Northbrook c. Lord Lytton d. Lord Auckland
8 Jamabandi reforms were the reforms of :
a. Akbar b. Shershah c. Tipu Sultan d. Alaudhin Khilji (Jamabandi means
"rights of records" and refers to land records.source:wiki)
9.Revenge movement broke out in:
a.France b. Italy c. Latin America d. Ireland (
Loss of the Alsace-Lorraine to Germany was a bitter, bitter pill for the French to swallow, and it started what became known as the revanchist (revenge) movement to get back the Alsace-Lorraine Source:wiki)
10.Agricultural growth in India during 2006-07 was
a.9% b.2.7 % c.6% d.3.7% source:India Industry website
11. World Bank President o quit office recently for misconduct is
a. Paul Wolfowitz b. Swaraj Paul c. Robert Sollik d. None of thesee
12.Find the odd that not related to Kani Mozhi:
a. Poetess b. Scientist c. Rajya Sabha Member d. Daughter of chief minister from one of an Indian state
13.Miss world 2007 is:Correct answer not in the original answer choice
14.The award amount of UNESCOs Puraskar for Palathulli Programme:
a. 25000 US dollars b.18000 US dollars c.20,000 US Dollar d. 10000 US dollarsThe Malayala Manorama’s ‘Palathulli’ programme from Kerala, India wins UNESCO’s international award with a prize money of US$ 20,000 (EUR 16,600). ‘Palathulli’ is a social campaign, started in 2004 by Malayala Manorama, aimed at promoting rain water harvesting and conservation of water. This award is presented once in two years by UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), for expertise in idea campaigning at the rural level.
15.The state governments Best Actor for film was won by :
In 2011,Dileep for his role in Vellari Pravinte Changathi.
In 2010, Salim Kumar for his role in Adaminte Makan Abu
16.Maha Bachat Scheme is initiated by :
Punjab National Bank ( google search). Can't verify this answer
17:Smart city project was signs on:
13-5-07First Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in year 2005.
On 13 May 2007, the officials of the Government of Kerala and TECOM Investments signed the updated framework agreement source:wiki
18. Neurons are seen in
a. Brain b. Lungs. c.Veins d. Blood Vessels
19 Raja Ravi Varma award 2007 were presented to :
M F .Hussain. Source:Newspaper reports
20.Dhere Sachacha Sauda is an organization of:
Haryana Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/Punjab/Chandigarh/Castrated-dera-disciple-medically-examined/SP-Article1-946781.aspx
21.The Keralite participated in International labour organization held in May-June 2007:
Thampan thomas, Source:http://www.labourfile.org/ArticleMore.aspx?id=390
22.Founder of Alappuzzha city
Raja Kesava Das
He is considered as the chief architect of Alapuzha town. The area which Alapuzha now occupies was once a coastal area which was uninhabited and filled with large weeded plants. He found Alapuzha to be a good location for a port. He constructed two parallel canals for bringing goods to the port. For the building of Alapuzha town he was ably assisted by one of his ministers, viz. Thachil Matthoo Tharakan.[1] Raja Kesavadas offered infrastructural facilities to merchants and traders from Surat, Mumbai and Kachchh to start industrial enterprises, trading and cargo centres. Alappuzha attained progress and became the financial nerve centre of Travancore during his time.
He also constructed the Main Central Road (now State Highway No.1) from Thiruvananthapuram to Karukutty, near Angamaly which is still the main road in the hinterland areas of Kerala. The originating junction of this road - Kesavadasapuram - is derived from his name. (Wiki article)
23. Total number of cabinet ministers from kerala in the ministry of DR. Manmohan Singh
08 ministers .
Two of them — Defence Minister A.K. Antony and Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi — enjoy Cabinet rank. source: News papers
24. Insat 4 B was launched by the European Space a Agency Rocket called
Arian 5
The Indian National Satellite (INSAT) system was commissioned with the launch of INSAT-1B in August 1983 (INSAT-1A, the first satellite was launched in April 1982 but could not fulfill the mission). INSAT system ushered in a revolution in India’s television and radio broadcasting, telecommunications and meteorological sectors. It enabled the rapid expansion of TV and modern telecommunication facilities to even the remote areas and off-shore islands (source: wiki article)
25.Psoriasis disease is evident in:
Skin ( We looked around! :))
26: Market Regulations introduced by
A. Tughlaks b.Khilijis c. Slaves d.Sayyids
27.The year of Colachal battle:
28.Agama Siddhantha is the Sacred Book of:
29:Muzuris had trade relation with:
30.Ariyittuvazcha was the coronation ceremony of
Zamorins Source: http://www.malabarandkeralastudies.net/grandhavaris-of-calicut-palace-records-of-zamorin
31.The name Pudicherry for Pondicherry was effected from
32.Three language formula for education was propsed by:
Kothari Commission
33.The 9the I C U of medical college Trivandrum was inaugurated by:
K Karunakaran source: http://www.hindu.com/2007/06/08/stories/2007060821410300.htm
34. Life time achievement for Kerala Sangeetha Nataka academy award of 2007 went to:
Santha Devi
She won the 1992 National award for the best supporting actress for her performance in ‘Yamanam,’ directed by Bharat Gopi.
35: The first match in the 2007 cricket world cup was between :
West Indies and Pakistan
36.Vayalar ward of 2006 presented to :
37.Author of Coolie :
Mulkraj Anand
39.The hottest zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricon:
Good source to understand http://www.mcwdn.org/MAPS&GLOBES/Climate.html
40.The river known as Dakshin Ganga is
Godavari River
41.The strait connecting the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea
a. Palk strait b. bering strait c.magellan strait d. persian gulf
Palk strait is the best among the answer choices. But Palk strait connects Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. And it is only part of the strait between Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal..
42.The odd one among the following
a. Gonu b. Tsunami c. Ivan. d. Tornado
Gonu is
strongest tropical cyclone. Tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, typically an ocean or a large lake.Ivan,
Hurricane Ivan was a large, long-lived, Cape Verde-type hurricane that caused widespread damage in the Caribbean and United States.
Tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud.
43.Annapurna scheme aims at
44.The late entrant in G8 is
a.Japan b. Russia c. China d. India
The Group of Eight (G8) is a forum for the governments of eight of the world's largest economies. (It excludes, however, two of the actual eight largest economies by nominal GDP: China, 2nd, and Brazil, 6th). The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit became known as the Group of Seven or G7 the following year with the addition of Canada. In 1997, Russia was added to group which then became known as the G8.
45.China's East project projected for the solution of
a. drinking water b. Internet system c. energy problem d. health problem
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST, internal designation HT-7U) is an experimental superconducting tokamak magnetic fusion energy reactor in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, in eastern China.Source: wiki
46. Fastest Planet
The Average Orbital Speed of the Planets
As the planets orbit the Sun, they travel at different speeds. Each planet speeds up when it is nearer the Sun and travels more slowly when it is far from the Sun (this is Kepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion).
Source :http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/planets/
47.H-1B Visas are
a. Tourist visas. b. Immigrant visas c. Landing permits d. non-immigrant visas
The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H). It allows US employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.
48. "The Joy of numbers" was written by
Shakunthala Devi
49.The king who abolished "pulappedi"
Vira Kerala Varma source: http://www.prd.kerala.gov.in/iconevents.htm
50.The Kerala Monsoon Fishery( pelagic)protection Bill enabled
a. the engagement of pelagic fishing in monsoon to traditional fishermen
source:http://keralalawsect.org/acts/Act2007/act13_2007/index.html, www.niyamasabha.org/bills/12kla/103.pdf
51."Gavisti" is a term related to Vedic culture
The Vedic Sanskrit word for war, gavisti, literally means "searching for cows", "desire for more cows" source:http://www.orbislingua.com/curiosities/ep3.htm
52.The birth place of 24th Thirthankara
: Mahavira is the 24th Thirthankara. Birth place : Kundagrama (Vaishali District Bihar) ;source:wiki
53. The first persian ruler who conquered Gandhara
Darius I .Source:wiki.
Cyrus the Great (558–530 BC) built the first "universal" empire, stretching from Greece to the Indus River. Both Gandhara and Kamboja soon came under the rule of the Achaemenian Dynasty of Persia during the reign of Cyrus the Great or in the first year of Darius I
54. "Brown shirts" was a
The Sturmabteilung (SA) (German pronunciation) Storm Detachment or Assault Division, or Brownshirts) functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party source:wiki
Volunteer Militia of Hitler
55.Mesopotamia the Greek word means:
the land between rivers.
Mesopotamia "[land] between rivers"; "land of rivers") is a toponym for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, corresponding to modern-day Iraq and to a lesser extent northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and smaller parts of southwestern Iran.
Widely considered to be the cradle of civilization in the West, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, all native to the territory of modern-day Iraq.source:wiki
56. Fundamental feature of the neolithic culture was the use of
Microlithics Source:http://www.grahamhancock.com/forum/BadrinaryanB1.php?p=4
57.Kerala Panchayath Raj bill was introduced in the year
58.Kerala's output by export during 2005-2006 was-
Couldn't find a credible source for this topic.
59."Ente maram" project was undertaken jointly by
The Project ‘ Ente Maram Padhathi ’ is a joint programme of Dept. of Forests and Dept. of Education
60.Science of soil is called
pedology, formation, chemistry, morphology and classification of soil. Source:wiki
61.The Chilka lake is in
62.The clouds which causes continuous rain:
Source: http://library.thinkquest.org/11641/clouds.htm
Answer choices are not clear.
63.Taran Taran Tragedy was associated with
no credible reference available.
64.Tiger Airways belonged to
65. The country which won the 2006 Johannesburg test
not important
66.Greg Chappal was a
a. Cricket coach ( The question should have used "is" instead of "was") He was a cricket player and now a coach, commentator.
67. Total medal India acquired in 12th commonwealth games
check this link : http://www.thecgf.com/countries/tally.asp
68.Total number of MPs from Kerala?
69. Speaker of the 12th Legislative assembly in Kerala:
K Radhakrishnan
The current Legislature assembly is the 13th Assembly, Speaker: G.Karthikeyan
70.--- is to administer oath of office to the Indian President in 07/07
Chief Justice of India. then Justice K.G Balakrishnan
The Chief Justice of India, Justice S.H. Kapadia administered oath of office to the current president Pranab Mukherjee.
Pranab Mukherjee administered the oath of office to current chief Justice of India,Altamas Kabir
71. The closest meaning of word "benevolence" is
a. attention b. attraction c.patience d. kindness
72.The word that means false reports that damage the reputation of a person
a. candour b. gander c. banter d. slander
73.Choose the correctly spelt word:
a. peursue b.purseue c. persue d.pursue
74.Select the word meaning small branch
a. bit b. stick c. twig d. log
a. ATM b. Draft c. Special Drawing Rights d. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SDR (Special drawing rights) is issued by IMF
Recommended Books
Simple Arithmetic & Mental AbilityGeneral Knowledge and Current Affairs
1. objective-general-knowlegde-current-affairs-level2. History of Kerala - History of Kerala written in the from of notes
3.Kerala Development Report illustrated edition
4.Current Affairs 2014 for Civil Services PCS and All Other Examination
General English
General English for IES, GATE, PSUs & Other Competitive Exams
2. A handbook of Spotting Errors for Competitive
2.The practice of crossing a cheque originated ina. India b. Britain c. France d. America
3.Trichology is the study of
a. bone b. brain c.stuffing animals d. hair
4. ------is the economic process through which human wants are satisfied.
a. production b. Distribution c. Industry d. Consumption
5. Gandhi Irwin pact was signed on
a. 1932 b.1931 c. 1933 d. 1930
6. First Indian war of Independence began at
a. Meerat b. Jhansi c. Delhi d. Satara
7.Forward Policy was initiated by
a. Lord Mayo b. Lorth Northbrook c. Lord Lytton d. Lord Auckland
8 Jamabandi reforms were the reforms of :
a. Akbar b. Shershah c. Tipu Sultan d. Alaudhin Khilji (Jamabandi means
"rights of records" and refers to land records.source:wiki)
9.Revenge movement broke out in:
a.France b. Italy c. Latin America d. Ireland (
Loss of the Alsace-Lorraine to Germany was a bitter, bitter pill for the French to swallow, and it started what became known as the revanchist (revenge) movement to get back the Alsace-Lorraine Source:wiki)
10.Agricultural growth in India during 2006-07 was
a.9% b.2.7 % c.6% d.3.7% source:India Industry website
11. World Bank President o quit office recently for misconduct is
a. Paul Wolfowitz b. Swaraj Paul c. Robert Sollik d. None of thesee
12.Find the odd that not related to Kani Mozhi:
a. Poetess b. Scientist c. Rajya Sabha Member d. Daughter of chief minister from one of an Indian state
13.Miss world 2007 is:Correct answer not in the original answer choice
Zhang Zilin. She is the first Miss World of East Asian origin.(Wiki source) |
14.The award amount of UNESCOs Puraskar for Palathulli Programme:
a. 25000 US dollars b.18000 US dollars c.20,000 US Dollar d. 10000 US dollarsThe Malayala Manorama’s ‘Palathulli’ programme from Kerala, India wins UNESCO’s international award with a prize money of US$ 20,000 (EUR 16,600). ‘Palathulli’ is a social campaign, started in 2004 by Malayala Manorama, aimed at promoting rain water harvesting and conservation of water. This award is presented once in two years by UNESCO’s International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), for expertise in idea campaigning at the rural level.
15.The state governments Best Actor for film was won by :
In 2011,Dileep for his role in Vellari Pravinte Changathi.
In 2010, Salim Kumar for his role in Adaminte Makan Abu
16.Maha Bachat Scheme is initiated by :
Punjab National Bank ( google search). Can't verify this answer
17:Smart city project was signs on:
13-5-07First Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in year 2005.
On 13 May 2007, the officials of the Government of Kerala and TECOM Investments signed the updated framework agreement source:wiki
18. Neurons are seen in
a. Brain b. Lungs. c.Veins d. Blood Vessels
19 Raja Ravi Varma award 2007 were presented to :
M F .Hussain. Source:Newspaper reports
20.Dhere Sachacha Sauda is an organization of:
Haryana Source: http://www.hindustantimes.com/Punjab/Chandigarh/Castrated-dera-disciple-medically-examined/SP-Article1-946781.aspx
21.The Keralite participated in International labour organization held in May-June 2007:
Thampan thomas, Source:http://www.labourfile.org/ArticleMore.aspx?id=390
22.Founder of Alappuzzha city
Raja Kesava Das
He is considered as the chief architect of Alapuzha town. The area which Alapuzha now occupies was once a coastal area which was uninhabited and filled with large weeded plants. He found Alapuzha to be a good location for a port. He constructed two parallel canals for bringing goods to the port. For the building of Alapuzha town he was ably assisted by one of his ministers, viz. Thachil Matthoo Tharakan.[1] Raja Kesavadas offered infrastructural facilities to merchants and traders from Surat, Mumbai and Kachchh to start industrial enterprises, trading and cargo centres. Alappuzha attained progress and became the financial nerve centre of Travancore during his time.
He also constructed the Main Central Road (now State Highway No.1) from Thiruvananthapuram to Karukutty, near Angamaly which is still the main road in the hinterland areas of Kerala. The originating junction of this road - Kesavadasapuram - is derived from his name. (Wiki article)
23. Total number of cabinet ministers from kerala in the ministry of DR. Manmohan Singh
08 ministers .
Two of them — Defence Minister A.K. Antony and Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi — enjoy Cabinet rank. source: News papers
24. Insat 4 B was launched by the European Space a Agency Rocket called
Arian 5
The Indian National Satellite (INSAT) system was commissioned with the launch of INSAT-1B in August 1983 (INSAT-1A, the first satellite was launched in April 1982 but could not fulfill the mission). INSAT system ushered in a revolution in India’s television and radio broadcasting, telecommunications and meteorological sectors. It enabled the rapid expansion of TV and modern telecommunication facilities to even the remote areas and off-shore islands (source: wiki article)
25.Psoriasis disease is evident in:
Skin ( We looked around! :))
26: Market Regulations introduced by
A. Tughlaks b.Khilijis c. Slaves d.Sayyids
27.The year of Colachal battle:
28.Agama Siddhantha is the Sacred Book of:
29:Muzuris had trade relation with:
30.Ariyittuvazcha was the coronation ceremony of
Zamorins Source: http://www.malabarandkeralastudies.net/grandhavaris-of-calicut-palace-records-of-zamorin
31.The name Pudicherry for Pondicherry was effected from
32.Three language formula for education was propsed by:
Kothari Commission
33.The 9the I C U of medical college Trivandrum was inaugurated by:
K Karunakaran source: http://www.hindu.com/2007/06/08/stories/2007060821410300.htm
34. Life time achievement for Kerala Sangeetha Nataka academy award of 2007 went to:
Santha Devi
She won the 1992 National award for the best supporting actress for her performance in ‘Yamanam,’ directed by Bharat Gopi.
35: The first match in the 2007 cricket world cup was between :
West Indies and Pakistan
36.Vayalar ward of 2006 presented to :
- 2000 M. V. Devan Devaspandanam
- 2001 T. Padmanabhan Puzha Kadannu Marangalude Idayilekku
- 2002 K. Ayyappapanicker Ayyappapanickkarude Kavithakal
- 2003 M. Mukundan Kesavante Vilapam
- 2004 Sarah Joseph Aalahayude Penmakkal
- 2005 K. Sachidanandan Sakshyangal
- 2006 Sethu Adayalangal
- 2007 M. Leelavathy Appuvinte Anweshanam
- 2008 M. P. Veerendrakumar Haimavathabhoovil
- 2009 M. Thomas Mathew Marar Lavanyabhavathinte Yukthi Silpam
- 2010 Vishnunarayanan Namboothiri Charulatha
- 2011 K. P. Ramanunni -- Jeevithathinte Pusthakam
- 2012 Akkitham -- Anthimahakalam
37.Author of Coolie :
Mulkraj Anand
39.The hottest zone between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricon:
Good source to understand http://www.mcwdn.org/MAPS&GLOBES/Climate.html
40.The river known as Dakshin Ganga is
Godavari River
41.The strait connecting the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea
a. Palk strait b. bering strait c.magellan strait d. persian gulf
Palk strait is the best among the answer choices. But Palk strait connects Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. And it is only part of the strait between Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal..
42.The odd one among the following
a. Gonu b. Tsunami c. Ivan. d. Tornado
Gonu is
strongest tropical cyclone. Tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, typically an ocean or a large lake.Ivan,
Hurricane Ivan was a large, long-lived, Cape Verde-type hurricane that caused widespread damage in the Caribbean and United States.
Tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud.
43.Annapurna scheme aims at
Central assistance under Annapurna Scheme will be provided to the beneficiaries fulfilling the following criteria:
| ||||||
44.The late entrant in G8 is
a.Japan b. Russia c. China d. India
The Group of Eight (G8) is a forum for the governments of eight of the world's largest economies. (It excludes, however, two of the actual eight largest economies by nominal GDP: China, 2nd, and Brazil, 6th). The forum originated with a 1975 summit hosted by France that brought together representatives of six governments: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, thus leading to the name Group of Six or G6. The summit became known as the Group of Seven or G7 the following year with the addition of Canada. In 1997, Russia was added to group which then became known as the G8.
45.China's East project projected for the solution of
a. drinking water b. Internet system c. energy problem d. health problem
The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST, internal designation HT-7U) is an experimental superconducting tokamak magnetic fusion energy reactor in Hefei, the capital city of Anhui Province, in eastern China.Source: wiki
46. Fastest Planet
The Average Orbital Speed of the Planets
Source :http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/astronomy/planets/
47.H-1B Visas are
a. Tourist visas. b. Immigrant visas c. Landing permits d. non-immigrant visas
The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H). It allows US employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations.
48. "The Joy of numbers" was written by
Shakunthala Devi
49.The king who abolished "pulappedi"
Vira Kerala Varma source: http://www.prd.kerala.gov.in/iconevents.htm
50.The Kerala Monsoon Fishery( pelagic)protection Bill enabled
a. the engagement of pelagic fishing in monsoon to traditional fishermen
source:http://keralalawsect.org/acts/Act2007/act13_2007/index.html, www.niyamasabha.org/bills/12kla/103.pdf
51."Gavisti" is a term related to Vedic culture
The Vedic Sanskrit word for war, gavisti, literally means "searching for cows", "desire for more cows" source:http://www.orbislingua.com/curiosities/ep3.htm
52.The birth place of 24th Thirthankara
: Mahavira is the 24th Thirthankara. Birth place : Kundagrama (Vaishali District Bihar) ;source:wiki
53. The first persian ruler who conquered Gandhara
Darius I .Source:wiki.
Cyrus the Great (558–530 BC) built the first "universal" empire, stretching from Greece to the Indus River. Both Gandhara and Kamboja soon came under the rule of the Achaemenian Dynasty of Persia during the reign of Cyrus the Great or in the first year of Darius I
54. "Brown shirts" was a
The Sturmabteilung (SA) (German pronunciation) Storm Detachment or Assault Division, or Brownshirts) functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party source:wiki
Volunteer Militia of Hitler
55.Mesopotamia the Greek word means:
the land between rivers.
Mesopotamia "[land] between rivers"; "land of rivers") is a toponym for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, corresponding to modern-day Iraq and to a lesser extent northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and smaller parts of southwestern Iran.
Widely considered to be the cradle of civilization in the West, Bronze Age Mesopotamia included Sumer and the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires, all native to the territory of modern-day Iraq.source:wiki
56. Fundamental feature of the neolithic culture was the use of
Microlithics Source:http://www.grahamhancock.com/forum/BadrinaryanB1.php?p=4
57.Kerala Panchayath Raj bill was introduced in the year
58.Kerala's output by export during 2005-2006 was-
Couldn't find a credible source for this topic.
59."Ente maram" project was undertaken jointly by
The Project ‘ Ente Maram Padhathi ’ is a joint programme of Dept. of Forests and Dept. of Education
60.Science of soil is called
pedology, formation, chemistry, morphology and classification of soil. Source:wiki
61.The Chilka lake is in
62.The clouds which causes continuous rain:
Source: http://library.thinkquest.org/11641/clouds.htm
Answer choices are not clear.
63.Taran Taran Tragedy was associated with
no credible reference available.
64.Tiger Airways belonged to
65. The country which won the 2006 Johannesburg test
not important
66.Greg Chappal was a
a. Cricket coach ( The question should have used "is" instead of "was") He was a cricket player and now a coach, commentator.
67. Total medal India acquired in 12th commonwealth games
check this link : http://www.thecgf.com/countries/tally.asp
68.Total number of MPs from Kerala?
69. Speaker of the 12th Legislative assembly in Kerala:
K Radhakrishnan
The current Legislature assembly is the 13th Assembly, Speaker: G.Karthikeyan
70.--- is to administer oath of office to the Indian President in 07/07
Chief Justice of India. then Justice K.G Balakrishnan
The Chief Justice of India, Justice S.H. Kapadia administered oath of office to the current president Pranab Mukherjee.
Pranab Mukherjee administered the oath of office to current chief Justice of India,Altamas Kabir
71. The closest meaning of word "benevolence" is
a. attention b. attraction c.patience d. kindness
72.The word that means false reports that damage the reputation of a person
a. candour b. gander c. banter d. slander
73.Choose the correctly spelt word:
a. peursue b.purseue c. persue d.pursue
74.Select the word meaning small branch
a. bit b. stick c. twig d. log
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