Saturday, 12 July 2014

Tamilnadu PSC Combined Civil Services Examination Study material, books

 Applications are invited only through online mode upto 05.03.2014 for admission to the Written Examination for direct recruitment against the vacancies for the year 2013-2014 in the following posts included in Combined Civil Services Examinat ion–II (Non-Interview Posts) (Group-II A Services) 
Main Written Examination (Single 
General Studies
(Degree Standard) (75 items)
Aptitude and Mental Ability Test    

(S.S.L.C. Std.) (25 items)

General Tamil / General English
(S.S.L.C. Std.) (100 items)
(Total - 200 items) 

Two types of question papers will be set. One type of question paper will contain questions on General Studies (75 items), Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (25 items) and General English (100 items). The other wi ll contain questions on General Studies (75 items), Aptitude and Mental Ability Test (25 items) and General Tamil (100 items). Candidates are given the option to choose eith er General Tamil or General English for answering the second 100 items apart from answering the first (75+25)100 items on General Studies.

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