Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Know your own Personality: critical for success. Understand yourself to secure high scores and percentiles in CAT, XAT, Engineering/Medical Entrance and to get Jobs

What drives you? Why you prefer a management career over an engineering career? Or why you are looking for a Government Job and not a private sector Job? You might be ready with many answers to such questions. But, wait for a minute and ponder, are those answers the real ones or a gimmick to pacify yourself and others?

May be. Yes, that is what we also want to tell you.
Beyond your conscious facades the driving force for your decisions may be different. By not listening to those voices inside you and letting the surroundings dictates your decision, you are moving far away from your path to success. What your real self wants and what you think you want has to be same.
For this you need to discover yourself.
Myers Brigg Personality profiling may well be a starting point.  It can give you an idea and a starting point. At the very least it may help you to ace the HR rounds or psychometric profiling!

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