Saturday, 17 September 2011

Must for Kerala PSC exam preparation: Women Empowernment,Gender Responsive Budgeting.

We found a good study on Women empowerment. The study is reproduced as it is below for reference.

Gender Responsive Budgeting-the case of Kerala
Aleyamma Vijayan and Mariamma Sanu George
I. Introduction
For the first time, in the budget of 2010-11, the Finance minister of Kerala Dr.Thomas Issac has made a conscious effort to be gender responsive. Such a move was welcomed by Sakhi resource centre for Women who had been for long, strongly campaigning for such gender inclusiveness. Therefore, in this paper we make an attempt to understand and analyze the budget from a gender perspective. The paper looks into the different areas of allocations, how far it is ‘pro woman’ budget or a ‘gender responsive’ budget and whether the budget reflects the commitments made in the women’s policy announced by the government in 2009.

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II. Overview

Over the last one decade there has been a phenomenal explosion of literature and experiments in Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) . It is not a separate budget for women or for men. Instead it looks at the full government budget from a gender perspective to assess how it will address the different needs of women and men, and of girls and boys. GRBs ensure that government budgets are allocated in an equitable way so that the most pressing needs of individuals and groups are satisfied using the available resources. Gender budgeting has to be institutionalised within the budgetary system and throughout the budgetary process- ie, both in the preparation of the budget and then again while monitoring through Outcome and performance budget so that it becomes self sustainable, effective and mandatory.3 Australia was the first country to develop a GRB in 1984; this was followed by South Africa in 1995. Today many countries carry out the process of GRB with the realisation that development if not engendered is endangered.
III. Gender Responsive Budget in India
In 1974, when the report of the Committee on the Status of Women was published, India realised the need for a gender perspective on public expenditures. From the Eighth Plan onwards, specific allocation for women from the budget was attempted. It went through various process like women component plan, women’s budget, gender budget and gender responsive budgeting. The National Policy for the Empowerment of Women 2001 made concrete suggestions towards the introduction of a gender perspective in the budgeting process. Specifically, it promised
• Developing “Gender Development Indices” (GDI), by networking with specialized agencies.
• Undertaking “Gender auditing and development of evaluation
• Undertaking the collection of “Gender-disaggregated data” by all primary data collecting agencies of the Central and State Governments as well as research and academic institutions in the Public and Private Sectors
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This approach became more pronounced in the 10th and 11th plans as is evident from the gender budget handbook for ministries and departments prepared by the Ministry of Women and child development (MWCD) the nodal ministry for the gender budgeting exercise

The National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD), was entrusted by the MWCD to undertake a Gender Budget Analysis in 22 States in 2001. This was a simple one of desk review, basically collecting, from state budget documents, requisite information on the following categories of schemes and programmes:
• Women Targeted/Specific Schemes
(Defined as schemes where 100% of allocation is meant for women)
• Pro-Women Schemes
(Defined as those which incorporate at least 30% of allocation for women or significantly benefit women)
• Gender–Neutral schemes
(Meant for the community as a whole)
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In spite of several limitations regarding data, the study found that
• The range of percentage allocations to women programmes (target + pro women) varied between 2% to 11% across the 10 states for the year 2000-01.
• The share for women-targeted schemes in the State Budgets was less than 1% in 6 states
• Pro-women schemes received a larger portion of state budget as compared to the women-specific schemes (6%-11% during 2000- 01) in 5 states
• The combined allocations are as low as 2% and 5% of the state budget in some states. It is far below the desired and recommended levels of 30% as per guidelines of Planning Commission under Women Component Plan (WCP)
IV. Gender Responsive Budget in Kerala
Kerala state initiated the gender budgeting process at the local government level as far back in 1998 and mandated the local bodies to allocate at least 10% of the plan funds devolved by the state specifically for women (Women Component Plan). Over the years, this process helped the local governments to understand specific issues of women through studies on status of women and then reflect some of these needs in the planning process. By and large, the mandatory allocation for women addressed the economic empowerment of women through Self Help Groups (SHG’s) and through income generation programmes under the poverty eradication mission of Kerala government –the Kudumbashree. 15-20% of Local governments (LGs) has undertaken, studies on the Status of women, as a prelude to gender planning but this effort has not resulted in gender planning at the local government level. Sporadic attempts are made to address specific gender issues like violence against women (jaagratha samithis), specific health and sanitation problems, focus on skill development etc. Hardly any attempts are made to address issues of double work burden, issues related to women’s mobility, safety and security in work places and public places, gender sensitivity of professionals working with women etc

The state budgets started to reflect the gender budgeting process only from 2008-09 onwards. The budget states the need to create gender disaggregated data and creates institutional structures which can facilitate a gender sensitive approach in policies and programmes. In this budget the procedure of indicating the percentage of anticipated flow to women and the reasons there off was introduced by the Kerala State Planning Board.
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A Gender budget exercise was done of the 2008-09 Kerala Budget by Mirdul Eapen, Member, State Planning Board for the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India and was presented in a regional training workshop in 2008. While looking at the budget from a gender lens, she makes the following observations.
• An examination of the Plan demand for grants revealed that Plan expenditures are high in Public works, Water supply and sanitation, Urban development and Social welfare (all four of which have large externally aided or centrally sponsored allocation).
 Non plan expenditures are three times higher than plan expenditures.
 Very few departments have specifically targeted programmes for women besides those which are traditionally looking after women’s affairs. Most programmes are concentrated in Social welfare including welfare of SC/ST/OBC, family Welfare and rural development. The largest women specific programme, Kudumbashree is included under community development.
 Lack of gender disaggregated data at the secondary level and while formulating projects / schemes by Departments hampers the estimation of anticipated flow of resources to women.

State government has taken certain initiatives in terms of women targeted schemes (gender responsive) through Flagship programmes in the 11th plan. These are the 1) gender awareness programmes including the implementation of the protection of women from domestic violence act 2)and the flagship programme on finishing schools for women (to enhance employability of women through skill training.

In the budget of 2010-11, gender audit of only the above two programmes were made, and thereby more funds were allocated. The total outlay earmarked for women accounted for only 5.5 % of the total State budget outlay in 2008-09, which increased to 8.5 % in 2010-11.

State budget allocation for Schemes solely for the benefit of women (100%)
Year Budget allocation (Rs. In crores) % to total allocation
2008-2009 318.69 5.5
2009-2010 367.69 5.6
2010-2011 620.97 8.5
Source: Budget speech 2010

Following is the quote from the budget speech of Kerala’s Finance minister Dr.Thomas Issac in 2010.
“It is necessary to carry forward the traditions of social and economic egalitarianism in the State. Alongside, it is necessary to create a new tradition of gender equality. As part of the centenary of International Women's Day, gender audit is started in Kerala.……Though we may claim that what state allocates is better than the Central Plan, it should be revealing that this forms only 50% of what Local Governments spend as part of their Women Component Plan. Sir, we are going to put an end to this state of affairs. Rs.620 crore (8.5%) of the Plan would now be set apart for schemes solely benefiting women. All departments have tried to develop special schemes for the benefit of women and to consciously incorporate gender concerns even in the general project”.

The following table shows the allocations solely for women:

Allocations in the budget of 2010-2011 crore
Classifications Amt
Target Schemes for Women (100% allocation) 88.96
Pro women schemes (50-99 %) 148.57
Pro-women schemes ( 30-49 % ) 25.56
Targeted schemes for women (Less 30 %) 15.13
Gender neutral Schemes 313.53
Total 591.75

A total of 620 crores is mentioned in the budget speech of 2010-11 as earmarked solely for women. But while going through the budget documents only about 88.96 crores has been allocated for women alone (100 %). The rest is divided across various departments and are for schemes indirectly benefitting women. Some examples are increased welfare pensions, urban employment guarantee scheme, income support scheme for traditional sectors (coir, cashew, bamboo mats weaving etc where mostly women work), fuel efficient firewood stoves, assistance for marriage and treatment, interest support to kudumbashree etc. The detailed schemes given in the appendix clearly shows this (appendix1)

To quote from the budget speech “Gender equality is basically a social and political issue. In order to galvanize efforts towards this objective, gender budgeting is a must. Most of the activities included in this budget are related to the practical gender needs of women. They have the limitation that they do not question the existing framework governing the relationship between man and woman. Yet, I am sure everyone would agree that what has been outlined above is a major step ahead.”

Yes, it is a clear step forward in meeting the commitments made in the state women’s policy. But we need to make a closer analysis to see whether the budget allocations are mainly money earmarked as “Women component’ in various departments or any specific attention is paid to bring ‘gender budget initiatives’ and if so what is being done to institutionalise these process

In spite of promises made in the election manifesto of the ruling party 4 years back, the state has not yet constituted a Department for Women although this has been a longstanding demand from the women’s movement! Any increased allocation for schemes solely benefitting women need such a mechanism for effective implementation. .If at the national level, much has been done about gender budgeting, it is because there is a nodal ministry-the Ministry of Women and Child development (MWCD).Absence of such a mechanism in a state where there are more women (51.42%) than men is a serious lapse from the part of the government

“Major women development programmes are implemented through the Social Welfare Department . Vocational Training Centres, starting of one day homes, economic support to women headed families, development of Anganawadi Centres as community resource centres for pregnant and lactating mothers, nutrition programme for adolescent girls, and overall development of women and children are provided through various schemes and programmes implemented by the department” . So women in Kerala continues to be treated as beneficiaries of welfare schemes and social security provisions and not as citizens and participants in the development process of the state

V. Limitations of undertaking Gender budget analysis in Kerala
While undertaking a gender budget analysis of the state budget of Kerala, the difficulties faced are:
• A difficult task is to understand the logic of allocation and expenditure on pro-women and gender neutral schemes in the budget and its relation to gender disaggregated data.
• In the annual plan proposals of Kerala budget since 2008-09, formats and schedules of budgetary procedures and reporting systems include the amount earmarked for women (WC). But how such percentages are arrived at by the concerned departments is anybody’s guess. For instance, if we examine the Annual plans of the respective ministries, we do not find the WC allocation as shown in the annul plan documents published in the website of the Planning board.(example: Department of Agriculture). However, an improvement was made giving anticipated percentages.
• Another issue is the need to do performance audit; ie, conduct review to analyse the financial and physical achievements and identify the constraints in achieving the targets. Such a process will reveal the gaps in delivery of services, the lack of needed infrastructure, the lack of gender sensitivity of the personnel who are implementing the programmes. Another aspect of performance audit is carrying out reality check by evaluating programme interventions, incidences of benefit, identifying impact indicators like the change in the condition and position of women before and after a programme is implemented. A third aspect is compiling a trend analysis of expenses, output indicators and impact indicators

Again, mere expenditure analysis does not give any true picture about the actual impact of such expenditure on women. This certainly calls for more in-depth analysis on sectoral issues over a larger than annual time frame. It is also necessary to formulate uniform guidelines and procedures so that valid comparisons and inferences can be made at the state, regional and national level

Here we make an attempt to make an assessment of the specifically gender targeted allocations in the state budget 2010-11. Data from Annexure 9A of the Annual Plan Proposal 2010-11 is taken for the analysis. This involves
1. Identifying the aim of the listed programme or project
2. Quantifying the allocation of resources
3. Identifying the activities planned to implement the programme or project.

In this paper we have attempted to classify the schemes into four categories for more clarity on schemes proposed instead of the two categories of 100% allocation and less than 30% allocation. We felt it important to understand the other two categories as to understand the logic of such allocations

 Category 1:Schemes targeted at women (100% allocation )
 Category 2: Pro women schemes for women (50-99 %)
 Category 3: Pro-women schemes ( 30-49 % )
 Category 4: Targeted schemes for women (Less 30 %)

VI. Analysis of the budget allocations
As mentioned in the overview, gender budget looks at how public expenditure takes into consideration the differential needs of men and women and plan allocations so that these needs are met. To do this is essential is gender disaggregated data and information. In the absence of such a data, it is difficult to evaluate whether budget allocations are addressing needs. As far as our knowledge goes, there is no such comprehensive data collection exercise at the state level to understand the status of women in Kerala, their position in the social-economic , political and cultural life of the state. As mentioned earlier studies were undertaken at the micro level (Panchayats) and these were done to assist local planning. Compiling such information itself will give trends regarding women’s status and position

If the Kerala state women’s policy is taken as a document which reflects these differential needs of women in Kerala, then the budget under analysis has started to reflect some of these needs. In this study gender budget refers to the total outlays which are ex ante earmarked for women or which are entitled for women through various policy guidelines. (Subrat Das et al, 2006) The budget can be viewed in two ways. One is a just allocation for women and the other is gender specific allocations. Allocations for nursing schools are a classic case. Just because majority of nursing students are girls, that allocation is seen as targeted allocation for women. Nurses are not going to just serve women; they serve men and women!

The example of a gender specific allocation is seen addressing the specific and differential needs of women, like toilets in public offices, safety and security at workplaces and in public spaces etc. We have examples of both in the budget but most belong to the first category. Attempts have been made to bring in some specific gender initiatives which is praiseworthy. We will use the same categorisation made by The NIPPCD study done for the MWCD,GOI while looking at the at the targeted expenditures.

1. Social Security and Welfare

• Kerala State Women Development Corporation
• Women Development Programme
• Kerala Women's Commission
• Development of Anganwadi Centers as community Research Centre-- a life cycle approach

Two new schemes proposed this year deserves special attention. One is assistance to aftercare programs and follow up services/victim rehabilitation. This comes under women development programme. Social welfare department, the nodal agency is entrusted with restructuring existing guidelines so that the benefit reaches victims quickly

Another programme is the provision for care givers for mentally and physically challenged persons a sum of Rs.300/month and another Rs,300 for care givers. Since always women are the care givers, this can be said as a gender responsive initiative. This is a very good example to show how the unpaid work of women in the care economy is acknowledged and provisions are made

2. Welfare of SCs, STs and OBCs

• Assistance to marriage to SC girls, Construction of girls hostels(SC and OBC),
• working women’s hostel for women employees

These schemes are again allocations which meets the practical needs of women from marginalised communities which are very important. But the idea of having Working women’s hostel exclusively for women from backward communities may be again isolating them and perpetuating the discrimination pattern. Instead what would have been ideal would be to provide special quota for admissions in existing hostels or fee concession.

3. Services for Adolescent girls
• Nutrition Programme for Adolescent Girls
In Kerala there are 30.86 lakhs adolescent girls who suffer from gender disadvantage in terms of low nutrition and self-development. In order to improve nutritional and gender advantage and to provide supportive environment for self-development of adolescent girls, the Department of Social Welfare has formulated an action plan.

• Psycho social services to Adolescent Girls
This is a scheme by the social welfare department to start adolescent health clinics in selected schools and appointing qualified ,expert full time counselors. This scheme will with the collaboration of the health department and national rural health mission (NRHM) and also with support of Parent teacher associations (PTAs) and LG’s.
Counseling centers will be started in 137schools besides the existing 363 schools

In the context of the increasing problems among the adolescents, this is a much needed service but some monitoring mechanism has to be put in place and periodical reviews are necessary to adapt the service to the specific problems in each region of the state

• Development of Anganwadi Centres as Community Resource Centre for Women and Children - A Life Cycle Approach

4. Health
• Nursing schools, New women and children hospitals,
• medical care for victims of violence/social abuse,
• Women health centre (Seethalayam-Homeopathy)
• One stop support centre for survivors of domestic violence ( Bhoomika)

Earmarking 100% allocation of nursing schools as gender responsive allocation is a classic example of a how a mere women component plan scheme is shown as a gender project. Since majority of nursing students happen to be women, the allocation under this head is seen as exclusive scheme for women

The medical care for victims of violence is an example of a gender specific allocation. Violence against women is a public health issue and government has acknowledged this and allocation made. Yet the scheme is not explained anywhere-either in the website of Health department or the NRHM portal called ‘Arogya Keralam’. From newspaper clippings we understand that a scheme called Bhoomika is started as a One stop support centre for women who face violence in all the 14 district hospitals in Kerala. This is a new initiative started by government of Kerala in 2010 . ‘Bhoomika’, is a one stop support centre for women who come to hospitals with injury due to violence faced by them. The doctors in the causality are trained to identify women who are victims of Violence and they are referred to a special cell with a counselor in charge. The counselor interacts with the woman and gives her the necessary support. The Cell is active since a few months and already many positive outcomes are reported

5. Economic Services

• Backyard Poultry development. Under flagship programme on Food security,2 crores is allocated to women for developing backyard poultry
• SHG’s and micro enterprises in Fisheries :
Society for Assistance to fisherwomen (SAF) is a registered society and according to Economic review 2009, 5000 groups are formed and 400 units of micro enterprises started. It s not clear whether this allocation is intended to strengthen these and start new units and whether any review of the existing units are done to understand their sustainability

• Schemes for women entrepreneurs to set up industrial units: Apart from the Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs to set up Industrial Units (Outlay Rs.200.00 lakh), 514 lakhs rupees is earmarked as WC in the various schemes of the industries department. If this money really reaches women in the state, a leap in the economic development will take place. But it is not mentioned what are the specific mechanism to ensure that women entrepreneurs will be supported.
• Cultivation of organic cashew. Again, there is lack of clarity as to how this will be done. Will women lease land and cultivate? Or are they going to be just workers in the plantation of cashew development corporation?
• Skill enhancement of women students
• Promotion of women enterprises through SHG’s (SC)
• Kudumbashree

In the Budget speech, 50 crore allocation is specifically mentioned for Kudumbashree and another 1.25 crores for the study of gender. So besides this 30crores, another 20 through various allocation must have been made. This again focuses on the economic empowerment of women through setting up of micro enterprises. Some concerns emerging from the field experience is the sustainability of these enterprises, especially among marginalised groups like fishing community. Another important concern is the lack of attention given to develop the capability of these women gradually to independently manage such enterprises .Due to bad management practices many such units are not earning sufficient and this leads to women losing faith in themselves. The skill enhancement of women students is a right step in this direction but this will have to be extended to more grassroots women.

In Kerala, women’s empowerment is now equated with Kudumbashree. Women SHG’s are now entrusted with many tasks including waste management in many urban local governments, income generation programmes etc. Definitely strong leadership is emerging from these groups .But one has to realise that there are women’s issues beyond that is experienced or projected.

6. Labour
• Self Employment schemes for the registered unemployed widows, deserted/divorced/unmarried women/unwed mother

This scheme is mentioned as by the department of national employment service and applications will be collected through district employment officers.

7. Flagship Programme on finishing school for women
The unemployment rate among the youth in Kerala is exceedingly high and this is particularly true among young females. It was 45.8 percent in rural areas ( as against 32.3 percent for young males) and 50.4 percent in urban areas ( as against 26.6 percent young males). On 3,987,035 registered job seekers as on September 2006, on the live register of employment exchanges in Kerala; 58 percent are females. Kerala appears to be caught up in a “high literacy- low skill” trap. A number of women job seekers are forced to take up employment in vocations with very low skills in the service sector.

Two very interesting schemes are proposed here

• Gender friendly infrastructure creation programme under women cell of police department
• Public works - Gender Budgeting – Initiative

The aim of the scheme as explained in the project is “defending women from violence through specific programmes and creating a woman friendly environment in police stations. Component wise break up is as follows.1.Victim support scheme for the entire State, 2.Research study on women victims, 3.Women friendly Police Station project, 4.Improvement of women reception desks in all Taluk head Quarters (160) Police Station, 5.Developing and Printing of Complaint cards for women, 6.Formation of Vanitha Vigyana Vyapana Kendrams, 7.Giving Gender Training to all officers and men”.

The question is who leads the implementation of these schemes? Is there a gender focal point within the police department to see that these good intentioned schemes are implemented in its true spirit? Will women police be given powers to act independently and not become just easy tools ?

8. Public works
The allocation under public works is intended to provide additional gender friendly infrastructure facilities in public offices like toilet facilities in the district and Taluk head quarters. It is also mentioned that steps will be taken to make the public buildings women friendly for which proper architectural plan and design of buildings be ensured by avoiding narrow passage, stairs etc. Training may be given to the Engineers and Architects of the PWD for a Gender Friendly Construction . Ramps will also be provided for Physically Handicapped persons in major public office buildings like, Vikas Bhavan, Government Secretariat and Civil Stations.

Although the allocation for this really inadequate (220 lakhs) considering the magnitude of the problem, this is a very welcome step and is an example of a gender responsive allocation. It is meeting a much needed demand from women and provision of such basic facilities in all offices should be made mandatory by the government, especially in public spaces. It is not just to have toilets for staff as is done in many buildings but also for the public who uses these spaces. A classic case which was in the news recently is regarding the new court premises at Vanchiyoor where the family court was relocated and the absence of toilets for the public, especially women who come there and have to wait for a whole day

A review of allocation in other categories (2,3,and 4) follows the same pattern . Most of the schemes are related to Economic development and few are protective services.

In the economic development programme, women are mainly in the traditional sectors like coir, cashew, handloom, fisheries or found in stereotyped areas like backyard poultry, diary, food processing (pickles etc) and other small scale or cottage industries. They are always viewed as petty producers and their skill to source raw materials, marketing and managing the programme is very limited. When new schemes are envisaged, how do the budget address such issues? As in some other state will government issue orders so that government establishment will buy from these women entrepreneurs? For example, brooms, bed sheets, towels etc. A good initiative in this regard is the responsible tourism initiatives and the effort to link Kudumbashree groups who are engaged in producing vegetables, eggs etc

Enhancing women’s skills to enter into non stereotyped areas deserves the attention of specialized agencies like the Women’s development corporation. In the preparation of the budgets, wider consultations are necessary to make it truly gender sensitive and the issues promised in the state women’s policy can be a good starting point.

Strong advocacy by women’s groups is necessary to influence budget in favour of women in the following areas:

• Increase in budget allocations;
• Introduction and increase in gender-specific allocations
• Changes in the distribution of benefits among beneficiaries; (for example, tax concessions when land is written in the name of women)
• Introduction of new policy and funding

VII. The five-step approach in implementing GRB
1. Gender analysis of the situation of men, women, girls and boys in a particular sector;
2. Analysis of how policies address the gendered nature of the situation;
3. Analysis of whether the assigned allocations are sufficient to implement gender responsive policy;
4. Monitoring of expenditures and implementation of policies (this requires assessing whether public expenditure was spent as intended); and
5. Evaluating outcomes (this involves assessing the impact of policy and expenditure and checking how it has contributed to the government gender equality commitments).
VIII. Recommendations
Good governance allows citizens to claim entitlements in three broad areas:
(i) the right to participate in public decision making,
(ii) the inclusion of their needs and interests in considering public policy, and
(iii) pro-poor budgetary allocation of resources.

The ability to exercise these rights is, in practice, often determined by gender roles and relations of unequal power. Women have to be consulted when policies are made and budgets are prepared. SO it is very important to have wider consultations with women from all sectors of society in the preparation of a gender sensitive budget. At present by and large, this is a departmental exercise. This has to be changed. Women working in different sectors as well as women leaders and activists have to be consulted in the budget making process.

The promises made in the Kerala State Women’s policy have to be implemented and this is a good starting point and guideline for a gender sensitive and responsive budget formulation. Several areas like implementation of laws; mechanisms to address crucial issues faced by women like safety and security at home , in the workplaces and public places; gender sensitization of men in general and especially the police, judiciary and men in other professions like teachers, doctors etc is urgently needed. Issues like alcoholism, motor accidents are claiming many lives and women bear the burden of families . Mental health situation in Kerala too requires urgent action. Since Kerala is deeply into tourism development, environment friendly and gender sensitive policies and it implementation need urgent action.

Most of the women from lower income groups are now mobilized under the Self Help programmes through Kudumbashree and they are turning into a cheap army of labour in many areas like waste management, implementing NREGA etc. Most of the microenterprises are in stereotyped occupations and there is need of more critical studies and assessment of the ground realities to sustain the initiatives.

Mechanisms to review policies, laws and programmes from a gender lens be started so that the budget preparation is not just an exercise of incremental increase but a well thought out, realistic and informed activity, taking into consideration needs, available resources and implementing mechanisms’. Similar mechanisms also be constituted to monitor impact of allocations in the ‘mainstream’ sectors as well as gender specific sectors, so that, subsequent budgets becomes more responsive . Indicators for success, quantifiable guidelines etc also have to be prepared. This kind of institutional mechanism will ensure that political changes do not undermine processes and initiatives once started will be sustained. This will also require that systems are transparent and data on implementation and incidence of beneficiary assessment can be undertaken.

Gender issues have to be integrated into the documents of ministry of Finance and other key ministries and departments and there should be ‘gender committees’ in each department who will be responsible for the implementation, monitoring and outcome and impact assessments of schemes.They should received substantial training and capacity building

Very conscious and systematic efforts have to be made to raise awareness among the bureaucrats about the differential impact of policies and programs on men and women and especially questioning the gender neutrality of such polices/programmes. Even if a good programme is envisaged, if the implementing officials are insensitive, the programe is bound to fail.

The department of Statistics be entrusted with the collection of gender disaggregated data and this be published every year, so that planning at various levels are informed. Here again, special care be given to capture the unpaid work of women in the care economy

This again bring to focus the need to have a nodal ministry for women development in the state which will coordinate all such activities and also create data which can help further planning and implementation

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